Movies News
‘Dancing with the Stars’ eliminated dancer: ‘Everything happens the way it’s supposed to’
Carson Kressley earned the lowest score on Monday after his goofy run as a pirate but once again, the dancer at the bottom of the leader board lived to see another week on Dancing with the Stars. For more from this week’s eliminated contestant, head to the jump:

Image Credit: ABC
Too bad they were assigned the theme song to Mission: Impossible. The tango proved next to impossible, indeed, for Chynna Phillips, who relied heavily on partner Tony Dovolani to talk her through the routine since she forgot most of the steps. Inexplicably, the judges gave her a 21 — the same score earned by Nancy Grace and Chaz Bono (who remembered their numbers). But viewers weren’t as forgiving, so Phillips became the latest hoofer to leave the ballroom.
“I drew a blank,” Phillips explained after Tuesday’s results show. “It’s just one of those things where you’re about to take a math test, you think you know every answer and then all of a sudden you go blank. I felt badly it had to happen. Tony is an amazing teacher. We worked really really hard for that dance and unfortunately the whole thing sort of unraveled.
“A lot of different things kind of triggered it,” she continued. “There was a lot of waiting around time before we actually danced so I got in my head a little bit. But I really have to say that everything happens the way it’s supposed to happen, and I’m really grateful to have had the opportunity to be on the show.”
Dovolani admits that early in Tuesday’s telecast, he began to suspect that he and Phillips were the next ones out. “I asked her if she had a speech prepared,” he said. “I’m so proud of Chynna. I feel like the rug got taken out from under us because she had so much potential and I was having such a blast this season. What does it say about our show? The couple who actually gets along goes home? I guess we should have simulated some fights! Maybe we should have a fight now, maybe they’ll bring us back!”
No chance of that — especially since Phillips is already looking forward to some down time. “I’m really excited to get back to my babies and get back home and maybe sleep in a little. This whole ride has been very emotional, a lot of late nights, early mornings, training, spray tanning. It’s been very, very all-consuming and that takes its toll on you. It will be nice to stop and take a big deep breath and catch up to my life.”
Next up on her agenda — recording an album with Wilson Phillips called Dedicated. “It’s a tribute to our parents,” Phillips said of the collection coming out in April. “It will be all Mamas and Papas and Beach Boy classics. Now I can get around to recording it.”