Movies News

100 Horror Films Invites Directors to Submit Five Second Genre Gems

100 Horror Films is a project that invites directors from across the globe to submit their five-second short film, which will eventually be compiled into a 13-minute video set to make the international horror festival rounds. It provides inexperienced filmmakers with an opportunity to make a quick, but memorable, first impression, while also allowing those directors who have been around the block a time or two to face a creative challenge.

From what we can tell so far, the project has gathered two shorts, but they’re just getting started. Lee Hardcastle’s Record Breaker is a witty winner, and depicts a gory, little tale with his signature claymation style. Meanwhile, PeepholeCircus’ Bad Dream toys with childhood anxiety and things that go bump (or bite) in the night. They’re tasty genre nibbles that are bound to put a smile on any fright fan’s face.

Check out both horror shorts below, and visit the 100 Horror Films website for details on how you can submit your very own mini masterpiece.
