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'90s Fashion Brands That Never Made It Out of the Decade Alive

Fashion Brands, '90s Week


Do you ever miss those days where getting ready for the day was as easy as diving into a pair of JNCO’s, sliding on a tube top and topping it off with platform Skechers? Us too. Since ’90s week is the best week, we had to put together a gallery of all the forgotten fashions of yesterday.

While they all pretty much fell off of the style radar, many of them still quietly exist. In fact, did you know you can still buy a beloved pair of OG JNCO’s on their website? We can’t make this stuff up, people.

Many labels from the ’90s have even staged comebacks; like Fubu, J.A.N.E. cosmetics, and even Limited Too. Best news ever, right? Maybe. As you’ve probably noticed, the brands making a return haven’t exactly managed to influence us like they once did. That being said, let’s take a moment to remember them in all of their nostalgic glory. Cheers to those Steve Maddens that sprained your ankle, that prized Roxy bathing suit worth your entire allowance, and every jug of body glitter you got at Limited Too. 

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