
‘AHS: Roanoke’ gives a brief glimpse into Dandy Mott’s backstory


In Wednesday’s (Oct. 5) episode of “American Horror Story: Roanoke,” viewers got a better understanding of the house, its history and the evil forces surrounding it.

Channeling the familiar lore that has followed through each “AHS” season, we find out that the colonial spirits are tied to the land and cannot leave. However, there’s one time of year that gives them free murderous reign in our world: the first lunar cycle in October.

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Dr. Elias Cunningham (Denis O’Hare) returned in “Chapter 4” to give Matt (Cuba Gooding, Jr.) and Shelby (Sarah Paulson) a backstory on the house and its previous tenants. While he helps to thwart the Piggy Man from harming the couple, he also uttered a name that might’ve raised a few eyebrows for fans of “AHS: Freak Show.”

While walking the couple through the different residents of the house — it’s hard to believe that Chen family would’ve chosen this house to live out their American dream in, but whatever — Cunningham mentions a man by the name of Edward Philippe Mott who was the first occupant of the building back in the 17th century.

Murphy previously teased that this season of “American Horror Story” would feature a backstory of Dandy Mott’s (Finn Wittrock) family. But is that it? That can’t be all we get, right? After finding out the Motts are connected to Roanoke and this creepy house, it does help understand Gloria (Frances Conroy) and Dandy a little bit better. But, after all the setup and speculation leading up to this point, the mere mention of this new Mott just leads us to more questions — many more questions.

RELATED: ‘AHS’: What if Dandy Mott and Bloody Face were brothers?

What did come true, however, was the “Freak Show” reference itself. Episode 4 gave a nod to Season 4. So by that logic, this six-day lunar cycle — and the bloody massacre that will come with it — will most definitely be giving us a “Hotel” reference next week.

While that is very intriguing, we are still holding out hope for more details of the Mott family to emerge. That’s an American horror story ripe for more gruesome exploration.

“American Horror Story: Roanoke” airs Wednesdays at 10 p.m. ET/PT on FX.

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