Movies News

‘American Horror Story’ Season 2 taps Chris Zylka of ‘Secret Circle’ and ‘Spider-Man’ fame

tsc-chris-zylka-vertical.jpgThough “The Secret Circle” was, sadly, canceled by The CW, it’s safe to say that star Chris Zylka is still having a pretty fantastic summer. He and “Pretty Little Liars” girlfriend Lucy Hale are so adorable we could just die, and he’s got a prime role in this summer’s upcoming blockbuster “The Amazing Spider-Man.”

Now, Zylka has announced that he’s joining Ryan Murphy‘s scare fare anthology “American Horror Story” in its second season. On Thursday night — after attending the spectacular “Amazing Spider-Man” premiere in Los Angeles, Zylka tweeted that he’s “pleased, honored, humbled, and thrilled” to join the show.

No confirmation yet on his role, but we do know that producers have been looking for an “brilliant, inventive” actor to play an 18-year-old who has an “offbeat, could-be scary” side to him. After seeing his work on “The Secret Circle,” Zylka seems to be a natural fit.

This season, “American Horror Story” will be set in the 1960s, in a New England asylum for the criminally insane. Jessica Lange returns, this time leaving Constance behind to play a devout “Bride of Christ” nun who is the administrator of the institution. For more details on “American Horror Story’s” return to FX, check out Zap2it’s coverage.

Photo/Video credit: The CW

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