
‘American Horror Story’: The ‘Piggy’ connection between ‘Roanoke’ & ‘Murder Hous…

Highlight on New Movie Released DVD

Now that we’ve had some time to breathe in the vastly different “American Horror Story: My Roanoke Nightmare,” it is now that moment where we continue the digging and speculation regarding the new season’s story. Previously, we posted everything from Antichrist theories to a trip back to “Asylum.”

While both of those are still viable options, we wanted to hone in on something we believe we got correct. The events that transpire in “Roanoke” will connect to “Murder House.” In Wednesday’s (Sept. 14) episode, titled “Chapter 1,” we are given multiple pig-themed visuals.

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ahs roanoke piggy man1 American Horror Story: The Piggy connection between Roanoke & Murder House

First, the body of a dead pig shows up on Shelby (Sarah Paulson) and Matt’s (Cuba Gooding, Jr.) doorstep. Instead of upsetting his wife with the news, Matt decided to bury the animal in the expanse of dirt one might refer to as his front yard. Sure, this decision totally makes sense when you accept the reality that this couple happily bought this creepy house in the middle of nowhere to begin with.

Later in the episode, Shelby and Lee (Angela Bassett) are led down to the basement by odd sounds — which they initially believed to be intruders. What they ended up finding, though, was old grainy video footage that depicted a man in the woods wearing the head of a pig.

For those of you paying close attention to the “AHS” details Ryan Murphy and company have presented over the years, a light bulb may have gone off in your collective heads. Could this possibly be … “Piggy Man?”

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Let’s take a trip back to “Murder House” for a second. Aside from the previous notion we presented your way that will find the “Roanoke” storyline somehow exploring Billie Dean Howard’s brief arc from that season, here’s another connection to the show’s first outing. In the season’s sixth episode, titled “Piggy Piggy,” a troubled patient by the name of Derrick (Eric Stonestreet) comes to Ben Harmon (Dylan McDermott) for help.

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Derrick is deathly afraid of looking at mirrors due to the Piggy Man urban legend. The familiar concept finds that if you turn the lights off and repeat the phrase, “Here, piggy piggy pig” three times, the Piggy Man will appear. Unfortunately for Derrick, he met his untimely end in that bathroom — not at the hands of the monster but a robber who was hiding in his shower.

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Still, it’s an interesting connection and one that may go even deeper — or, it could just be a coincidence. According to legend, as Derrick explains it, the Piggy Man was a Chicago butcher who died in an accident at his slaughter house in 1893. That timeline, at this point, doesn’t really make sense. But, one thing is certain with “American Horror Story” and that is … nothing is certain.

By the looks of Stonestreet’s character, and the fear of said urban legend, one has to assume that his Derrick was not a Los Angeles native. Moreover, he tells Ben how he was beat up regularly by his brothers when he was a kid.

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Could those brothers in question be the Virginia residents Matt and Shelby defeated in the auction to buy their new house? And are they connected to the colonists who appeared in the final moments of “Chapter 1?” That would be an interesting full-circle trip, and it’s not out of question since each season is connected. But still, at this point, we’re just positing these notions to further stir the speculation pot.

Taking a look at the preview for next week’s episode, not only do we see more references to Piggy Man — and a victim being roasted over a spit — but Lady Gaga shows up for a split second (roughly at the 7 second mark). Could she be some sort of demon or monster that lives in the ground? That may be one explanation.

After-all, Shelby did find the earth beneath her breathing at one point. Geez … what’s up with that?

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