
Angelina Jolie World Refugee Day 2010 PSA

United Nations Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie is raising her voice in the name of refugees. Saint Jolie is asking the public to remember those who have been displaced in a new public service announcement for World Refugee Day 2010, which falls on June 20.“Having a home, a place we belong, a place we feel safe, […]

United Nations Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie is raising her voice in the name of refugees. Saint Jolie is asking the public to remember those who have been displaced in a new public service announcement for World Refugee Day 2010, which falls on June 20.

“Having a home, a place we belong, a place we feel safe, is something most of us take for granted. Yet, those who flee from conflict and persecution, no longer have their homes and it will be years before they can even return. In fact, many may never go home again,” the 35-year-old Oscar winner says in the PSA posted on the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees website Wednesday. “Please remember the millions of people around the world forced from their homes, because the only hope of return is to not be forgotten.”
