
‘Are You the One?’ cast can win using basic logic: Season 4’s perfect matches are …

Things hit rock bottom on Monday’s (Aug. 8) episode of “Are You the One?” Aside from the two couples already living in the Honeymoon Suites, the cast of Season 4 delivered zero matches. Nada. Zilch. Trying to use strategy over emotions, the housemates faltered badly and received their first black out ceremony.

While $250,000 was docked from their $1 million grand prize, no one seems to realize that this blackout was the answer to their prayers. Using basic process of elimination, it is now possible to figure out who everyone’s perfect match is.

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But jury’s out if this group of attractive 20-somethings will realize the answer that is now right in front of their eyes. Especially since some of these perfect matches are quite unexpected. A few of these pairings makes us again question what kind of science is being used to decide such things, but that’s neither here nor there. This show is a human game of Memory. And if these boys and girls can separate themselves from their emotions and look at it as such, they will find success.

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So, if you’re dying to to know who the perfect matches are and can’t wait until the finale, read on. If not, stop here! Because based on the cast’s previous eight weeks of attempts, there’s now enough information to figure out all 10 matches. We don’t need Gio’s “third eye” to figure out Julia’s potential soulmate, just a little bit of math.

We’d like to preface this list by saying our heart goes out to the girl who was deemed Asaf’s perfect match. And John’s. And Gio’s. Seriously, the men this season were a bunch of crazy aggressive man-babies. But that’s also neither here not there. Let’s get on with the match-making results.

Drum roll, please …

Prosper & Emma

Asaf & Kaylen

John & Victoria

Tyler & Camille

Cam & Julia

Tori & Morgan

Stephen & Nicole

Alyssa & Sam

Mikayla & Cameron

“Are You the One?” 2-hour season finale special airs on Monday, Aug. 15 at 10 p.m. ET/PT on MTV.

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