
‘Are You the One?’ deleted scene reveals Sam & Alyssa are not so perfect

Sam & Alyssa 'Are You the One' perfect match

On Monday’s (July 25) episode of “Are You the One?” the Truth Booth revealed Season 4’s second official perfect match to be Sam Handler and Alyssa Ortiz. This news was a long time coming.

For viewers, it’s been really sweet to watch Sam and Alyssa’s relationship grow. This couple only had eyes on each other since Day 1, and they took their time getting to know one another. Even though the long blonde-haired surfer model dude and the fun-loving energetic dark skinned beauty wouldn’t be the first person a viewer would match up, they clearly had a strong magnetic connection to one another.

RELATED: ‘Are You the One?’ finds its first perfect match … and no, it’s still not John & Julie

The entire cast was elated to receive confirmation that Sam and Alyssa were the real deal. They are now one step closer to winning that $1 million prize. And normally, we’d join in on the excitement, but after watching the deleted scene MTV posted on their website from episode 5, we’re wondering whether if this all-knowing Truth Booth has a glitch in its system. Actually, we think it made a big mistake.

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In this cut conversation, the “perfect pair” strongly disagree on a topic that has the power to create an insufferable, massive divide between two people: politics. The hot button issue of who should be America’s next president is not something Sam and Alyssa will ever see eye to eye on, and seeing Alyssa discover that Sam is a republican is like watching someone with a nut allergy discover the slice of cheesecake he or she ordered for dessert is made with a peanut butter crust.

Alyssa Ortiz 'Are You the One?'

“You want Trump to be our President?” Alyssa, asks.

“Yes,” Sam, says.

“My stomach just dropped,” Alyssa, says. “No. I can’t. This will never work out. Ever. Nooooo. I didn’t wanna know that.” Then while talking to the confessional camera, she says, “I just don’t understand anyone that likes Donald Trump … you can’t have someone who doesn’t care about anyone run our country! I just don’t understand. This makes me really sad.”

Alyssa asks him again, not ready to concede to the fact that the guy she’s been falling has drank the “Let’s make America great again” Kool-Aid. “Do you think he is the best person to be our President?”

“In this race?” Sam asks, “Yes. Do you want me to rip on Hillary or Bernie?”

Alyssa tries to reel in her disappointment and proceeds to ask Sam why, and what specific issues he supports. “Trump wants to build a border. I think that’s right.” Sam says, explaining that he thinks there’s too many illegal immigrants in this country.

“I’m not white,” Alyssa says, boldly stating the big elephant in the room. “Those are kinda my people you know.”

Uhm. Ruh-roh!

The two decide to table this conversation and remain cordial, but hello!  This is a “yuuuuuge” problem for Alyssa and Sam. Ignoring the topic is like putting a band-aid on a bullet wound. This conversation will rear its ugly head soon enough and and it will eventually lead to a heated argument. Such polarizing opinions on basic principles of humanity is not a topic that can be swept under rug and forgotten about.

It makes sense MTV would delete this scene for most viewers who see this would think, “Oh, yeah. These two are done.” This kind of disagreement is usually a legit deal breaker for most couples. And even though many of the relationships formed on reality TV shows don’t last long, Sam and Alyssa’s was doomed from the get-go, even if the so-called Truth Booth stated otherwise. While no science of the heart is ever 100 percent accurate, it’s safe to say this match falls in the “Oops! Can’t win ’em all” category.

“Are You the One?” airs on Mondays at 10 p.m. ET/PT on MTV.

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