
‘Arrow’ EP: Oliver & Felicity are going to a very dark place

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After the revelation that Laurel Lance (Katie Cassidy) is alive on “Arrow,” perhaps you were expecting things to get a little bit brighter. It’s been a rather dour season and a little bit of light would be useful, right?

Well, too bad. We have already pretty much figured out the real story with Laurel… And that’s only the beginning of the darkness coming to Star City — and in particular Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) — the rest of this season.

Things are especially bad for Felicity, following the death of her boyfriend. Prometheus tricked Oliver into killing Billy Malone (Tyler Ritter), and now comes the grieving.

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“For Felicity it’s going to be pretty dark. She’s not blaming Oliver for Malone’s death,” executive producer Wendy Mericle teases. “She is blaming Prometheus and she’s going to be hell-bent on getting him. To the point where it is going to consume her and take her down some unexpected paths.”

As for what that new path is, Mericle’s lips are sealed. However, she says, “She’s actually going to reconnect with an old part of herself. It’s not going to play as something dark and negative. Ultimately I think it will be revealed to be that, but she’s excited about this new path.”

Don’t expect her to magically get over Billy, though. “The grieving is not going to stop. We’re going to be feeling the repercussions of what happened with Malone at lead through episode 520,” the executive producer promises.

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Then there’s Oliver, who is not only living with the fact that he killed an innocent man but is unable to get close enough to Prometheus to stop him. Those realities are going to make Oliver confront a very difficult decision.

“I think in the back half of the season Oliver will really be assessing whether he’s more effective as mayor or more effective as the Green Arrow,” Mericle says. What side of the line will he end up on, though? Out money is on the green costume. “Oliver Queen: Mayor” doesn’t have the same pizzaz to it, as far as TV show titles go.

At the very least it won’t be all bad for Oliver, with Mericle pointing to his “burgeoning relationship” with Susan Williams (Carly Pope) as a bright spot. “I think there are, for him, places of light and hope.”

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“Arrow” airs Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET/PT on The CW.

Category: TelevisionTV Shows: ArrowTV Network: The CW

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