Aziz Ansari & Chris Zylka: Sean Parker Party!
Parks and Recreation actor Aziz Ansari and upcoming The Amazing Spider-Man villain Chris Zylka pick up some goodies at the LACOSTE L!VE/HTC desert pool party on Sunday (April 17) in Thermal, Calif.
After watching a few of the acts during Coachella Music Festival, the twosome headed to an exclusive party thrown by Facebook founding president Sean Parker and his lovely fiancee Alexandra Lenas.
To keep the party exclusive, guests were required to arrive at a designated parking lot, wear special wristbands, and get transported to a private residence via shuttle. “It was a very private event,” a partygoer tells JustJared.com. “But there was tons of great food and music from DJ Alexander Dexter Jones.”
Who else was in the mix? M.I.A. (with fiance Ben Bronfman), Kirsten Dunst (with her boyfriend, Rilo Kiley drummer Jason Boesel), Lindsay Lohan (with brother Michael and sister Ali), Ke$ ha, designer Alexander Wang, Alexa Chung, Duran Duran, William Moseley, and musician Kenna.

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