
Baby Hitler’s Parents Lose Custody

Hey ‘Crunchers, how’s your Thursday going so far? Ours couldn’t be better — especially after getting wind of this latest scoop. Does anyone remember the not-so-closeted White Supremacists from Southern New Jersey who sparked a debate on the blogosphere last year after a local ShopRite store refused to decorate a birthday cake for their three-year-old son, […]

Hey ‘Crunchers, how’s your Thursday going so far? Ours couldn’t be better — especially after getting wind of this latest scoop.

Does anyone remember the not-so-closeted White Supremacists from Southern New Jersey who sparked a debate on the blogosphere last year after a local ShopRite store refused to decorate a birthday cake for their three-year-old son, Adolf Hitler (Let that marinate for a minute….)?

Well — on Thursday, a New Jersey appeals court ruled that Heath and Deborah Campbell should not regain custody of their three children — Adolf and younger sisters JoyceLynn Aryan Nation and Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie — after the kids were removed from their home in Philipsburg by the state in January.

The kids have spent the past seven months in foster care and the appeals court believes that sufficient evidence of abuse or neglect exists due to domestic violence in the home.

Heath and Deborah insists they are not racist (Apparently their swastika tattoos are just for decoration), but are simply exercising their right to name their children whatever they darn well please.

After all, no one called the law when Gwyneth Paltrow named her kids Apple and Moses.

It couldn’t have happened to a nicer pair of Noodle Noogins! However, The Campbells’ story does raise an interesting question: Can people with warped social views still be good parents?
