
‘BB 18’ power rankings week 7: Paulie’s reign of terror continues


Oh, what a difference a week makes in the “Big Brother 18” house. Things are topsy-turvy from where they were a week ago. Read on to find out who win the Head of Household competition and what his or her plans on for the week, but be warned of spoilers.

Here’s where the house sits right now — Victor won Head of Household and is following dutifully along with the guys’ alliance that he thinks he’s a part of, which means Zakiyah and Michelle are the main targets this week.

RELATED: In the ‘BB 18’ house, Paulie needs to be stopped, but it may be too late

Subsequently, the power rankings are as follows:

1. The guy alliance, up various spots

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The Executives or whatever they’re calling themselves (it’s hard to keep track) are running the house — but we only mean Paulie, Paul and Corey. We’ll get to Victor in a second.

Paulie is clearly in charge and Paul and Corey are happy to bop along and do whatever he tells them to do. If something doesn’t happen soon to shake Paulie’s iron grip on the house, this season is gonna get real boring, real quick. It’s sort of already happening.

But as far as power goes, these guys have it and are going nowhere for the foreseeable future.

2. Nicole, up 4 spots

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Right now, Nicole is completely safe. The only problem is she is low woman on the totem pole with the aforementioned guys alliance. They’ll keep her around … until it’s her time to go. She’s playing a ridiculous game, choosing to safely ensconce herself in her showmance with Corey and giving no thoughts to down the line. If Nicole ever wants to jump ship and make a big move, she might be hard-pressed to do so because by the time she wises up there will be no one left.

Still, she’s in a better position than Victor.

3. Victor, down 2 spots

Victor may have won HOH this week, but he’s still in a bit of trouble when his reign is over. He thinks he’s in tight with the guys, but they think Victor is the perfect person to eliminate during the double eviction that probably is happening next week or the week after. So for now, he’s content to help his alliance out and keep getting girls evicted.

4. James, held steady

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James is lucky the guys’ alliance wants to keep ousting women or else he’d be in some trouble. They think he’s wishy-washy and don’t care for the way he throws competitions in order to stay off people’s radar. Paul, Paulie and Victor even discussed a week where they nominate Corey beside James to force Nicole to vote James out. It’s great that Natalie is his snuggle bunny, but it’s not going to get him very far if the people in power keep staying in power week after week.

5. Bridgette, up 6 spots

Victor likes Bridgette, so she’s safe this week. That’s the only reason she’s not farther down the list. But if these girls don’t start figuring out which way the wind is blowing, they are going to be picked off one by one.

6. Natalie, down 1 spot

Natalie isn’t the main target this week, but if either of the two nominees get removed from the block with the Power of Veto, Natalie is the most likely re-nom.

7. Zakiyah, down 1 spot

Zakiyah is no longer safe because she and Paulie just aren’t as tight as they once were. He wants her to stay in the house because she’s an easy pawn for him to manipulate, but he’s not at all concerned about her going up on the block and possibly going home. He can kind of take her or leave her at this point.

8. Michelle, down 5 spots

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This is the main target this week. Unless she wins POV, Michelle is probably going home — only because Paulie wants to keep Zakiyah because he can use her.

It’s a real shame the house can’t flip things up this week, but the numbers just aren’t there. Even if one of James, Natalie or Bridgette won POV and used it on one of the two nominees, one of the two non-POV winners from the group would be the re-nom, so there would still only be three votes out there and the two nominees would both still be from their side of the house.

There’s always a chance somebody can put a bug in Victor’s ear about getting out one of the strong players, like Paul, Paulie or Corey, but those chances feel very slim. The only hope viewers have of a house flip is if someone from outside Paulie’s reach wins HOH — though the way this summer is going, that isn’t very likely either.

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