
‘BB OTT’ cast odds: Frontrunners, dark horses and long shots

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On Monday (Sept. 26), CBS announced the 12 contestants who are about to kick off the first all-digital edition of “Big Brother,” called “Over the Top,” premiering Wednesday.

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All us hamster fans have to go on are the interviews posted exclusively to CBS All Access and a short teaser video put on YouTube, but here are our initial impressions of the “BBOTT” cast.


Shane Chapman, 24, roofer

shane chapman big brother ott BB OTT cast odds: Frontrunners, dark horses and long shots

This guy seems down to earth, likable and charismatic, plus he admires Vanessa Rousso’s game, which means he’s not afraid to be sneaky. The only drawback is he’s actually looking for a showmance, because he thinks that will help him. It might, but that’s a dangerous strategy to have.

Justin Duncan, 27, restaurant owner

justin duncan big brother ott BB OTT cast odds: Frontrunners, dark horses and long shots

Another likable, charismatic guy, Justin will probably charm the pants off everyone. He also sings like a bird and can cook, which he’s going to use to keep the house happy. Sounds like a recipe for success.

Alex Willett, 25, animation designer & Morgan Willett, 22, publicist

alex morgan willett big brother over the top BB OTT cast odds: Frontrunners, dark horses and long shots

So, we have a pair of sisters on “BBOTT.” When people figure it out, it could put huge targets on them and it’s hard to gauge from their interviews what kind of brain power we’re working with here.

But going into the house with an already-established ally who you trust 100 percent? That’s huge. If they can find some other allies, they could go very, very deep into the game.

Also, Morgan is a lifelong cheerleader and no, that won’t get annoying at all.

Dark horses

Scott Dennis, 24, debt collector

Nerdy guys who love “Big Brother” have historically done very well, but we hesitate to call him a frontrunner until we see what kind of alliance he can rustle up.

Danielle Lickey, 23, preschool teacher

She says she’s competitive — sports and pageants — and that she won’t get distracted by a showmance. That remains to be seen, but she’s pretty, she’s a teacher and she’s athletic, plus she name-drops Dr. Will, Rachel Reilly and Derrick Levasseur in her interview, so she’s obviously got some “BB” heavy hitters in mind regarding game play style.

Kryssie Ridolfi, 31, waitress

We might have another Nakomis Dedmon on our hands with Kryssie. She’s quirky, she seems smart and she’s not going to get distracted by a showmance. She has her eyes on the prize. Here’s hoping she shores up a good alliance so that she isn’t bounced early.

Shelby Stockton, 24, recent law school grad

Shelby says she’s smart and conniving, but she plans on playing dumb and hiding the fact that she’s a lawyer. That could be a $500K strategy. If her creepy laugh doesn’t scare people off — wait’ll you hear it — she’ll be one to watch.

Long shots

Neeley Jackson, 33, sales associate

Neeley is one of our favorite pre-show house guests … but we all know how strong women, especially women of color, usually get treated on “Big Brother,” so while we hope, hope, hope that Neeley finds a good group to align with, we are not loving her chances to go far in the game.

Michael ‘Cornbread’ Ligon, 41, tree removal company foreman

If Cornbread doesn’t annoy the houseguests, he could go very far in the game because he won’t be seen as any kind of a threat, a la Donny Thompson. But he is also going to be an easy person to bounce early if he’s not gelling with the group.

Monte Massongill, 25, engineering associate

This guy definitely falls into the Shane/Justin type player, but he doesn’t feel as quick or as charming as they do. He may surprise us, but first impression is pretty blah.

Whitney Hogg

Oh, sweet Whitney. Either this Bambi-eyed youngster is going to go home very early because she’s an easy person to take out in the first couple weeks, or she’s going to win it all by bopping her way to the end not really knowing what is going on. It’s probably the former.

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