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‘Big Brother 13’: Head of Household competition live updates

big-brother-13-soap-hoh.jpgSo Daniele put Brendon up as the replacement when Adam took himself off the “Big Brother 13” block? What will happen on the live eviction episode? Don’t forget – it’s not too late to sign up for the live feeds if you want to watch all the live feed shenanigans yourself.

Post-POV ceremony

Julie welcomes us, looking very fetching in a cornflower blue shirt dress. Beats the hell out of that Crocodile Hunter Superhero dress she had on the other week.

After some flashbacks to the ceremony, Brendon vows that no one will evict him twice in the same summer. Uh, I bet to differ. Rachel calls this a stupid move on Daniele’s part – again, I beg to differ. And then the waterworks start. Good god. Stop.

“You just got voted back innnn. I don’t wanna lose youuuuu.” Again – he’ll be there when you leave, lady. But so they don’t just roll over, Brenchel starts fighting. Their target is Adam, because they assume Rachel, Jeff and Jordan will vote for Brendon to stay, so they need Adam to be one more vote. But just to hedge their bets, Rachel starts working on Porsche, who does not seem to be buying it that they’ll keep her safe.

Jeff and Jordan are torn about keeping the alliance with Brenchel (because if they don’t keep Brendon, Rachel will come after them) or keep their alliance with Shelly. I personally think Shelly. She’s very loyal to J&J and she’ll do anything they say.

Meanwhile, Daniele goes crawling hat in hand to get Jeff and Jordan on her side. She’s willing to say whatever they need to hear in order to assure her safety after she is done being HOH. So Jeff and Jordan are leaning towards voting Brendon out and Jordan (kind of stupidly) tells Rachel that if Brendon doesn’t have the votes to stay, they would be stupid to vote for him because they’ll make the houseguests who are staying mad.

Rachel (shockingly) does not take kindly to this news. Rachel calls them cowards and sheeps in the DR, insisting that if it were reversed and if it was Jeff on the block, they would have Brenchel’s votes. But Jordan is right – they need to avoid making the house mad and Rachel can only see what benefits her game. She doesn’t understand other people’s perspectives. Jeff is right – she’s a child. It’s a developmental stage called “egocentrism” and it’s how toddlers operate.

We now get to see Shelly’s family at home, Josie and Tony. Josie is cute as a bug in a rug, y’all. She also seems really smart. So great, I want four just like ‘er.

The Vote

Brendon’s lame speech is all about his Ph.D – did you guys know he was a Ph.D. candidate at UCLA? I hadn’t caught that yet. Huh.

Anyway, the vote is Rachel for Shelly, Kalia for Brendon, Porsche for Brendon, Adam for Brendon, Adam for Brendon, Jeff for Brendon and Jordan for Brendon. Hilariously, on my satellite, Jeff’s vote went, “I vote to evict [bleep].” It was silent, like he said a dirty word. Heh.

The Head of Household Comp

Tonight, it’s one of those where they run back and forth across a slippery tarp. This comp they have to transport liquid soap into a giant container until they can fish their ping pong ball out. Should be fun – and go late into the night. Keep checking back here for live updates, but it’s not too late to sign up for the live feeds if you want to keep track yourself.

All times Eastern:

9:56 p.m. – Julie announces that next week is a double-eviction episode.

10:06 p.m. – The feeds come back and everybody’s pretty close, though it maybe looks like Porsche and Jordan have slight leads on everybody else.

10:09 p.m. – We take that back. It looks more like Jordan and Adam are in the lead. It’s really hard to tell at this point.

10:15 p.m. – The hamsters get pelted with more suds and rain. Jeff seems to be doing really well, he’s moving faster than most of them down the slippery tarp.

10:18 p.m. – Here’s a pic of Porsche and Jeff’s balls of soap. —>

10:20 p.m.
– Daniele keeps telling Kalia to pick up the pace, this isn’t the kind of competition you can lag behind on at all.

10:25 p.m. – I have never seen one of these types of competitions be so close before. Everybody is trying, everybody is close, nobody has really pulled away yet. This is great!

10:32 p.m. – Jeff may be pulling away, he’s almost half-way full. Jordan and Porsche are right on his heels, though. I can’t get a good look at Rachel’s bubble. Here’s a new pic (below). Jeff has a slight lead.

10:35 p.m.
– Jeff starts choking on some bubbles and slows down for just a bit. Daniele brings him water, but he doesn’t take any.

10:38 p.m.
– Here’s a better pic of the standings. Definitely looks like it’s between Jeff and Porsche. Maybe Rachel in there too, hard to tell.

10:49 p.m. – The feeds were down for about 10 minutes. When they come back, Jeff seems to have taken a bit of a lead. Barring any kind of physical collapse, I think he wins.

10:53 p.m. – It looks as though the only person close enough to mayyyybe challenge Jeff is Porsche.

11:04 p.m. – Jeff seems to have this wrapped up, he just has to push through to the end. Picture below.

11:13 p.m.  – We’re getting close now and it does not look like anybody can catch Jeff. Will he be the first male HOH? Hmmm.

11:21 p.m. – The feeds cut out for awhile, but came back just as Daniele pronounced Jeff the winner.

Well, this should be interesting. Who do you think he nominates? Obviously, Jordan is not going up, but other than that – I really have no idea who he’ll go with. And sort-of independent of that – who do you think his main target is?

Photo/Video credit: CBS

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