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‘Big Brother 13’: Jordan’s HOH nominations are …

big-brother-13-dominic-daniele.jpgJordan won the second Head of Household on “Big Brother 13,” getting the best score on the putting game (though Jeff and Brendon appeared to throw it). So who did she put on the chopping block? WARNING: SPOILERS.

The Veterans realize that even with HOH this week, they still need numbers, so they approach Adam about a deal. He’s a good target because the young newbies aren’t really warming up to him plus his a fanboy about the game and kind of starstruck around the veterans. He completely agrees to go up so they can get rid of Dominic and give Adam the Golden Key.

So that’s what happens. Dominic and Adam are nominated, with Cassi as the backdoor plan if Dom or Adam win the POV. That gives Shelly, who is another Veterans alliance-mate, a Golden Key as a backup.

Meanwhile, they participated in the food competition and it looks like Dominic, Adam, Shelly and Cassi are Have-Nots, which makes two weeks in a row for Shelly and Cassi. The America’s Choice vote gave them jerky and jellybeans in addition to slop.

So that’s what’s going on in the “Big Brother” house. Don’t forget to sign up for the live feeds so you don’t miss a moment of “Big Brother” this summer.    

Photo/Video credit: CBS

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