Movies News
‘Big Brother 14’: Week 7 nominations are in
So Frank is the new HOH and he has nominated Dan and Danielle for eviction. Ian won the Pandora’s Box competition and has a special Veto for the week, which he can use at any time (we think).
Dan’s plan is to try to get Ian to use the special Veto, though he’ll probably wait to see who wins the real Power of Veto. Also, Ian can’t play in POV, so the Quack Pack has odds that all their other members will be playing — Frank, Dan, Danielle and three out of Joe/Jenn/Britney/Shane. If Britney or Shane can win POV and Ian uses his POV, the Quack Pack can stay intact, but it remains to be seen if Ian is still with them. He may have jumped shipped to align with Frank.
Tomorrow’s feeds should be a lot of fun, waiting for the Power of Veto results and then seeing how it gets used, if it does.
Photo/Video credit: CBS

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