Movies News

‘Big Brother 15’: Aaryn’s Head of Household nominations are …

howard-andy-big-brother-15.jpgThe nominations have been made in the “Big Brother 15” house for Week 5. Read on to find out who is on the block, or just sign up for the live feeds — tomorrow they’ll reveal America’s nominee.

New HOH Aaryn has nominated Howard and Spencer for eviction, with Howard being the target. It’s not an unexpected move. Aaryn made a deal that if the house kept her safe, she’d either throw HOH or nominate whomever they wanted her to nominate if she won. This is who the house wants up.

Everybody wants Howard gone, most because he and Spencer are very untrustworthy — they’ve made “secret” deals with, like, everyone and their brothers. It’s kind of ridiculous. But Howard is the target over Spencer because everyone sees him as more of a threat.

The interesting part will be if America’s nominee is Elissa, like it was last week. She can’t play for Power of Veto, so it’d be the perfect time to take her out, especially if Howard wins POV and takes himself out.

Either way, not a shocking development. But the next couple days should be fun to watch play out.

Photo/Video credit: CBS

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