
Casey Anthony Breaks Down in Tears During Closing Arguments

Casey Anthony Breaks Down in Tears During Closing Arguments | Casey Anthony

Casey Anthony

Red Huber/Orlando Sentinel/MCT/Landov

An angry Casey Anthony began to cry on Sunday morning as prosecutor Jeff Ashton told jurors that she murdered her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee.

“Caylee Anthony died at the hands of someone in that house,” he said, as Anthony ripped pieces of toilet paper off a roll to blow her nose. He pointed at her and continued: “Casey is very bright. Her lies are very detailed. But when Casey wants to do what Casey wants to do, she finds a way.” As the jurors listened closely, Ashton detailed her repeated lies.

He said that Anthony lives in a fantasy world “where men who love their granddaughters take an accident, a completely innocent act, and make it look like a murder for no reason.”

The day began with a blow to the defense when Judge Belvin Perry ruled that they could not raise the issue of sexual abuse in closing arguments. “There is absolutely no evidence that the defendant was sexually molested by her father or her brother,” Perry said.

With sexual abuse off the table, defense attorney Jose Baez attacked the state’s forensic evidence, calling the investigation a “fraud” and claiming that Dr. Jan Garavaglia’s autopsy was “botched.”

“You may think she’s a slut and a liar,” Baez told the riveted jurors. “I’m not proud of the ways Casey behaved. But her actions do not constitute murder.”

As Anthony listened to the closing statements, she continued to cry. Some jurors looked over at her as she wept, before returning their attention back to the attorneys.

If she is found guilty, Anthony could face the death penalty.

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