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‘Celebrity Apprentice’: And the fired celebrity is…

Image Credit: Heidi Gutman/NBC

In an episode that saw the two teams tasked with putting on a Medieval Times show, contestants took jousting to a whole new level, with one victim left dead in the game — which is to say, fired. My full recap will be up at 2am, but if you can’t wait to sound off on what happened and who was fired then read on for more. [SPOILER ALERT: Read on only if you have already watched Sunday’s episode of The Celebrity Apprentice.]

Given the task to put on a 12 to 15 minute show at Medieval Times, the teams took very different approaches while operating under the watchful eyes of Donald Trump Jr. and…Sir James Lipton?!? The men — led by project manager Penn Jillette — went for action and star-power. The women — led by Lisa Lampanelli — flashed lots of lady parts and made fun of New Jersey. In the end, after tons of yelling, crying, and occasional bursts of spelling by James Lipton, the women lost and Victoria Gotti was fired. Ultimately, it was her threat to switch teams and inability to cue a trumpet flourish that did her in. (As well as the fact that she simply did not make for as good television as Lampanelli.)

The men’s side had their own share of drama, with Dee Snider breaking his finger, and Lou Ferrigno losing his marbles after Jillette mentioned his name as someone that he might bring back to the Boardroom. Adam Corolla was missing for the entire challenge (due to wedding at his house), and one might say the same for Michael Andretti, who just might be last charismatic Celebrity Apprentice contestant of all-time.

What did you think? Was the right person fired?  Did Lou have any reason to be upset? And should Dee Snider actually consider taking medical advice from Donald Trump? Hit the message boards and let us know. And for more reality ramblings, follow me on Twitter @DaltonRoss.
