
Christina Aguilera Mugshot

Xtina Xtremely Intoxicated: A grainy mugshot of Grammy-winning singer Christina Aguilera snapped shortly after her arrest for public intoxication early Tuesday has emerged online. Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world […]

Xtina Xtremely Intoxicated: A grainy mugshot of Grammy-winning singer Christina Aguilera snapped shortly after her arrest for public intoxication early Tuesday has emerged online.

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The 30-year-old singer and actress was “extremely intoxicated” when her boyfriend — rocker Matthew Rutler, 25 — was pulled over at approximately 2:45 AM on Tuesday, after units spied him fishtailing just off the Sunset Strip, Xtina appeared “too drunk to care for herself” and had no driver to take her home, says Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Deputy Bill McSweeney. Rutler was taken in for DUI and the “Fighter” singer was arrested on suspicion of being drunk in public so she could be held at the West Hollywood Sheriff’s Station “for her own safety.” The soon-to-be divorcee was kept in a cell until she was able to pass another sobriety test.

“It was kind of a unique situation with this law as she was not capable of taking care of herself. She was incapacitated. When she got out of the car, she couldn’t stand. We had to help her stand,” Sweeney explained in a press conference this week.

“She didn’t know where she was and she didn’t know her own address. We took her into custody for her own protection. She was co-operative and she was not belligerent in any way whatsoever. She was just intoxicated.”

Following her release, LA cops said they would not be putting out an image because there would be no charges filed. Of course, that didn’t stop someone from leaking a copy of the humiliating snap to E! News.

The misdemenor arrest will remain on Aguilera’s permanent record, although she will not be prosecuted.
