CinemaCon Exclusive: Shawn Levy & Hugh Jackman on Real Steel
Tuesday morning’s DreamWorks presentation ended with a behind-the-scenes sizzle reel for Shawn Levy’s Real Steel , starring Hugh Jackman. Narrated by Levy and Jackman, the clip gave an overview of the story, based on Richard (“I Am Legend”) Matheson’s novel about a dystopian future where people get their entertainment from watching large robots boxing in the ring and introduced roughly a half-dozen robots in the movie who either fight in the official boxing circuit called World Robot Boxing or they fight in underground matches. The undefeatable Zeus has been running rampant over the WRB destroying any robot put against him, something we see in a funny scene of Zeus crushing another robot’s head between his massive fists.
These robots are controlled by humans outside of…

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The PlayStation 3 Blu-ray remote control enables users streamlined access to the PlayStation 3 system’s disc features. Unlike stan…