
Colton Haynes is on the ‘Arrow’ set – is Arsenal on the new team?

Colton Haynes

Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) are building a new team on “Arrow,” but from the looks of it an old ally may be rejoining the fight.

Roy Harper (Colton Haynes) is making his return to the show for at least one episode and it seems to be happening right now. Echo Kellum (Curtis/Mr. Terrific) posted a trio of photos on Snapchat of himself and Haynes on location in Vancouver on Sunday (July 31), where “Arrow” shoots, letting fans know Roy’s return is at hand.

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The timing is what makes this appearance so interesting, though. With Oliver and Felicity recruiting and training a new Team Arrow, this is the perfect time for Arsenal to reappear — whether he’s helping train the new heroes or joining them for the fight.

After leaving the show in Season 3, Haynes’ Harper was only seen once in Season 4. Hopefully he’ll be sticking around a bit longer this time around. With Thea (Willa Holland) and Diggle (David Ramsey) leaving the vigilante life, the Green Arrow is going to need all of the help he can get.

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That said, what will Haynes’ return mean for Thea? The love these two shared was very real, but Thea has changed quite a bit since the last time Roy came to town. With her leaving her Speedy persona behind — at least for now — where does her ex fit into her life?

“Arrow” returns Wednesday, Oct. 5 at 8 p.m. ET/PT on The CW.

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