Movies News
‘Dancing With the Stars’: 5 ways to fix the show
With ratings at an all-time low and the show destined to become a one-night-a-week franchise, the time is never better to make much-needed improvements to Dancing With the Stars. After scanning our message boards (and our beloved Fringe Fairy), we came up with five, easy-peasy changes that could boost the ratings and our affection for fake tans.

Image Credit: ABC
1. Drop the celebraquarium. It’s clear why these Q and As with Brooke Burke-Charvet were created; the judges needed the time to figure out the scores. But after 16 seasons, Len, Bruno and Carrie should know how to give results in a flash by now — if only to spare us from hearing Brooke’s painful questions that the pros (and more often that not, the amateurs) clearly hate to answer.