
‘Drag Race’ dish: Alyssa Edwards on Phi Phi’s meltdown & the latest twist

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RuPaul keeps the surprises coming on “Drag Race: All Stars 2,” and on Thursday (Sept. 15), jaws dropped to the floor when the dressing room mirror was revealed to be two-sided.

On the other side, peering in, were not just this week’s send-off Alyssa Edwards, but all the previously eliminated queens. Has their time for revenge finally come? Have they been secretly watching the whole time? Could they be given the chance at winning their way back into the competition?

RELATED: Why is Phi Phi O’Hara ‘Drag’ging ‘All Stars 2’ down?

We had to find out. Speaking to Edwards on the phone Friday morning, we asked her to spill as much tea as she could: Everything from her beef with Phi Phi O’Hara to Adore’s decision to leave early, Edwards dishes on “Drag Race” realness.

What went through your mind when you saw RuPaul’s surprise message?

Alyssa Edwards: I thought Ashton Kutcher was in the room — around the corner — and that I was being pranked. I truly didn’t know what that meant. But the good thing is that I did think, “Awww, hell nah. It ain’t over yet!”

alyssa edwards blinking gif Drag Race dish: Alyssa Edwards on Phi Phis meltdown & the latest twist

So did you walk out the door and then come back in?

Yes. They were like, “right here!” I don’t know where the other girls were the whole time, but they were there, and I was like, “What the heck is going on ?”

What’s the deal between you and Phi Phi O’Hara?

It’s more one-sided: I think he’s very talented at what he does. He’s struggling to let go of whatever it is that is holding him back. He sees me as a rival maybe, I guess? He doesn’t agree with how I see the competition should be judged. And he’s very vocal about that. It is what it is.

bitch dont come for me gif1 Drag Race dish: Alyssa Edwards on Phi Phis meltdown & the latest twist

Phi Phi seems to have a rocky relationship with everyone …

I don’t think it’s just me. I’m a target … If we’re playing fairly, we should take in all accounts. You submit your case. I didn’t try to switch up no game. Phi Phi tries to pin this against me, and I’m just saying if we’re playing as peers, we should be considerate.

Do you think the editing of the show has been fair?

[You can’t control the editing of the show], but you can edit your social media — you’re in control of that. But when people [complain about the editing] It’s so irritating because they don’t ever ask you to say something you don’t want to say. The material you give them, that’s what’s going to be seen.

(From Phi Phi’s Twitter timeline, he’s chosen to stand by his claims about the editing — and apparently, has quit the show before its finale altogether.)

This season was filmed over a year ago, is it still unknown who wins?

Girl, do you think queens can hold water? If we knew who the winner was … I don’t even think RuPaul knows who the winner is! I think he’s watching. I think he’s still deciding. He’s like Santa Claus. He knows when you’re sleeping, and he knows if you’ve been naughty or nice! I’m trying to be a good queen over here.

So, the finale still hasn’t taken place, yet?

We still have to come back and do that, yes.

Did you have a feeling that you’d be sent home this week?


How did it feel having that news come from Alaska?

Well, I respect him. Outside of all this, we’ll be friends. I think he was playing the competition. …To survive on Drag Island, you have to look out for yourself. And we’re getting down to the end.

So do you think he was getting rid of the toughest competition?

Well, what do you think?

How did you feel when Adore quit?

That was a very, very awkward situation. I felt Michelle’s comments about her were personal. Because they work together, so they know each other, clearly. Adore was just checked out at that point. I respected her decision. She didn’t peace out because she didn’t think she was good enough, she was like… “I’m not here mentally. My spirit is shaken.” It is a competition, and it’s intense. But you have to have fun with it.

Are you coming back? Are the send-offs all competing for one spot?

Trust the Duchess, it ain’t over yet. Stay tuned, because this next episode is beyond delicious.

Are you a fan of these new rules?

I love this set-up. I think it rejuvenated the show and gave it the extra little oomph.

If it can’t be you, who would you want to win ‘All Stars 2’?

Alaska. I think she’s very clever. I respect her wittiness. I think she’s funny, glamorous, all the things that encompass being a Drag All-Star.

“Drag Race: All Stars 2” airs on Thursdays at 8 p.m. ET/PT on Logo and Vh1.

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