Exclusive CS Video: Taylor Kitsch on The Bang Bang Club
Actor Taylor Kitsch seems like a sharp young man with a career that really could be huge. After spending years as part of the cast of NBC’s popular show “Friday Night Lights,” he was cast as the popular “X-Men” character Gambit in 2009’s X-Men Origins: Wolverine . Next summer is going to be big for Kitsch as he’s playing the title character in Disney’s John Carter of Mars , directed by Andrew ( WALLE ) Stanton, and a key role in Peter Berg’s Battleship , both of which look to be big movies as well as ones we’ve seen almost nothing for so far.
But first, Kitsch can be seen in Steven Silver’s The Bang Bang Club , a portrait of the group of photographers who captured the atrocities during the later years of Apartheid in South Africa on film, pictures that…

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