Movies News
‘Falling Skies’ Drew Roy on the best thing he did in Season 2
Zap2it: Most of “Falling Skies” is shot on location in woods and fields, in all kinds of weather. What does that mean for an actor?
Drew Roy: I love when we’re doing a scene, and you can see our breath, or when we’re doing another scene, and everybody’s hair is matted down, water’s dripping off. That’s the grit. It’s not like when you’re on a soundstage, and everything’s all polished, the trees are fake and that stuff. I don’t like it.
Zap2it: You’re part of a military force hunting alien invaders — so how are your gun-handling skills?
Drew Roy: Pretty dang good. Noah [Wyle] and I went out the first season and got to go to a firing range. We had our gun handler take us out there, and we’re pretty good. We do a bunch of bottled waters on this big mound. I think we were about 50 yards out, and he was rocking his AK-47, and I was on the M-4. We were good enough. We could hit it, like, three, four, five times in a row.
Zap2it: What’s the most fun thing you got to do this season?
Drew Roy: I do a dirt-bike rescue scene, so I wanted to learn how to rip down the road on a dirt bike, rip up the back brakes, slide sideways into a stop, lean over, pick the person up, throw them on the back, rip the throttle, pop the back around and then run out. It was good times. It was fun.
Photo/Video credit: NewsCom

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