
Groundhog Day 2011 Update: Punxsutawney Phil Predicts Early Spring!

Good Morning & Happy Groundhog Day! Had enough of the harsh winter of Nor’easters and flash flood rain showers? You’re in luck: The Groundhog eyes early spring! Punxsutawney Phil, February’s Favorite Forecasting Rodent, didn’t see his shadow during the annual Groundhog Day Ceremony in Gobbler’s Knob, Pennsylvania Wednesday morning, a supposed sign that warmer weather […]

Good Morning & Happy Groundhog Day! Had enough of the harsh winter of Nor’easters and flash flood rain showers? You’re in luck: The Groundhog eyes early spring! Punxsutawney Phil, February’s Favorite Forecasting Rodent, didn’t see his shadow during the annual Groundhog Day Ceremony in Gobbler’s Knob, Pennsylvania Wednesday morning, a supposed sign that warmer weather is not far away.

Bring on the sunshades and flip flops!

Actually, we read somewhere that Phil has a 39 percent accuracy rate. Hey — that gives him a better track than any of the folks over at The Weather Channel! This year’s Groundhog Day event marks the 125th anniversary of forecasting ceremony.

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