Movies News

Happy Halloween! Download Our TV Villain Jack-o’-Lantern Stencils for All Your Pumpkin-Carving Needs

Here at we take Halloween VERY seriously, and that includes holding weekly jack-o’-lantern carving contests. In that spirit, we’ve chosen five of our current favorite TV villains and created downloadable DIY stencils for your jack-o’-lantern-carving needs. (Right-click each character name and choose “save as” to download printable PDFs.)

Jessica Lange, American Horror Story
For added effect, constantly walk into your neighbor’s house and leave this jack-o-lantern in the kitchen.

Joseph Morgan, The Vampire Diaries
Be careful, this 1,000-year-old half-vampire, half-werewolf has a catty sister and an emotionally unstable best friend. Avoid them at all costs!

Jack Gleeson, Game of Thrones
Bow before your king! This inbred child prince will be the worst thing to happen to your neighborhood since the reign of the House Targaryen!

Giancarlo Esposito, Breaking Bad
An inscrutable man of mystery and the most dangerous man in Albuquerque, displaying this jack-o-lantern will let everyone know you have great taste in television AND meth kingpins.

Nancy Grace, Dancing with the Stars
This fox-trotting former prosecutor once proclaimed that “the devil dances tonight!” The phrase will never be more true than when you proudly display this frightening jack-o-lantern on your front porch.

Happy Halloween!

1. Print out your desired PDF. (You may want to shrink or enlarge the main image, depending on your pumpkin size.)

2. Transfer the image to your pumpkin. If you don’t have carbon/transfer paper (who does?), a quick ‘n dirty way to do it is to cover the backside of the paper with sketched-on pencil until it’s relatively dark. Then flip the page back over, tape it to your pumpkin, and trace along the stencil lines. This should transfer the image onto the pumpkin.

3. Using a fine pumpkin-carving knife, start with the middle of the image first, carving away the darkened areas on the stencil, moving outward. TIP: You don’t need to carve all the way into the pumpkin, just remove the orange outer skin and as much of the yellow as necessary to let light through.

4. Send a photo of your TV villain jack-o’-lantern to! We’ll post your best attempts!

What character(s) do YOU want to see on a pumpkin?

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