
H&M: There Was No Retouching Beef With Beyoncé

Style News Now

05/30/2013 at 05:15 PM ET

Beyonce H&M adsCourtesy H&M

H&M has recently been praised for featuring a plus-sized model in its swimwear campaigns, and for recently saying its models in the past had been too thin, so we were surprised to read reports that pop diva Beyoncé was furious with the fashion chain for retouching her figure in her ads for the brand.

According to the U.K.’s Sun paper, the star “hit the roof” when she saw the digital manipulation done to her figure in the campaign. “She’s a true diva and was furious that she had been given such a snubbing,” the paper’s source said. “Her people refused to give the pictures the green light so H&M were forced to use the originals.”

H&M, for their part, says no such dramatic encounter ever occurred. “Beyoncé was our only choice for this campaign and we were delighted when she said yes,” said a statement. “Our goal has always been to portray Beyoncé as the strong and beautiful woman she is. It has been a wonderful working process and a close cooperation. Both parties are happy with the final images.”

Tell us: What did you think of Beyoncé’s H&M ads? Do you wish fewer ads were retouched?

–Alex Apatoff

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