
Ian Harding Flirted His Way Onto ‘Pretty Little Liars’

Ian Harding Flirted His Way Onto 'Pretty Little Liars'

Ian Harding, who stars on ABC Family’s hit show Pretty Little Liars, strikes a pose in this new photo shoot for Interview Magazine.

When asked how the 24-year-old actor got the role of teacher Ezra Fitz, he shared, “It was fall 2009, and I got an email for this audition from my agent. I went in, and I don’t say this in a really arrogant way, but I just kind of flirted with everybody that I came across. They were like, ‘You have the part.’ I said, ‘Wait a minute, okay… I think you’re making a mistake.’ They decided that they weren’t, and now I’m here. It was a really interesting audition process. It was so out of the blue and so surreal. It’s so ridiculous how you just get a call one day and go on an audition that can easily change your life for the next several years.”

The season finale of Pretty Little Liars airs this Sunday @ 8PM ET/PT on ABC Family. The second second will kick off in June!

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