Ian Harding Flirted His Way Onto ‘Pretty Little Liars’
Ian Harding, who stars on ABC Family’s hit show Pretty Little Liars, strikes a pose in this new photo shoot for Interview Magazine.
When asked how the 24-year-old actor got the role of teacher Ezra Fitz, he shared, “It was fall 2009, and I got an email for this audition from my agent. I went in, and I don’t say this in a really arrogant way, but I just kind of flirted with everybody that I came across. They were like, ‘You have the part.’ I said, ‘Wait a minute, okay… I think you’re making a mistake.’ They decided that they weren’t, and now I’m here. It was a really interesting audition process. It was so out of the blue and so surreal. It’s so ridiculous how you just get a call one day and go on an audition that can easily change your life for the next several years.”
The season finale of Pretty Little Liars airs this Sunday @ 8PM ET/PT on ABC Family. The second second will kick off in June!

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