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InsideTV Podcast: Is ‘Girls’ flourishing or floundering in season 2?

Image Credit: Jessica Miglio/HBO

Image Credit: Jessica Miglio/HBO

When Girls debuted last year on HBO it immediately became one of the most divisive shows on television. People seemed to either love it or loathe it. But now even the people that loved it seem divided on the risqué comedy’s second season. Jessica Shaw is one such person that has major issues with what has happened to one of her favorite shows. On the latest installment on the InsideTV Podcast, Jessica shares her concerns with a show she feels has abandoned its core appeal and gotten sidetracked by theme episodes that have separated the foursome from each other. I am far less bothered by the new direction of the show than Jessica is, and try to offer a bit of balance by providing my take on the things I have enjoyed in season 2. Click on the audio player below to listen in and see whom you agree with!

Then, we talk more Sunday scripted fare by deep diving into The Good Wife. The show started the season on shaky footing with a truly unfortunate foray into Kalinda’s relationship with her former husband. Has it recovered? What is working and what still needs to be worked on? Jessica even has some inside scoop from the stars and creators to share! [The Good Wife chat starts at 9:15.]

Finally, we chat with Allie Pohevitz, the most recently booted contestant from Survivor: Caramoan — Fans vs. Favorites. Allie reveals what really happened at night between her and Reynold on the night vision cam, and blasts former tribemate Shamar, explaining “I cannot stand that man.” Okay, then! [The Survivor chat and interview starts at 17:00.]

To join in the fun, just click on the audio player icon below. Or, since we’re on iTunes, you can subscribe for free and take the podcast with you. No iTunes? No problem. You can also download the entire podcast right here. And to send a question to the InsideTV Podcast team, follow us on Twitter @InsideTVPodcast. What’s your take on season 2 of Girls? Hit the message boards and let us know!

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