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InsideTV Podcast: What will be the first new Fall 2012 TV show to get canceled? Our predictions!

Image Credit: Jojo Whilden/CBS; Robert Trachtenberg/NBC; Craig Sjodin/ABC
So many shows, so little time…before they get thrown off the air! In what has become an annual Entertainment Weekly tradition, we predict the first new show to get the boot on this week’s edition of the InsideTV Podcast. James Hibberd, Jessica Shaw and I each have a different pick for earliest cancellation. What shows did we choose? And which one of us stands the best chance of emerging triumphant. Listen in to find out!
Then we move on to other important Fall TV matters. Which show are we most looking forward to retuning (Boardwalk Empire? Sons of Anarchy? Once Upon a Time?)? What shows are we close to cutting loose if they don’t improve? We also pinpoint the breakout stars of Fall 2012 as well as the two shows we think stand the best chance of becoming a big hit.
To get your early Fall TV scoop, just click on the audio player icon below. Or, since we’re on iTunes, you can subscribe for free and take the podcast with you. No iTunes? No problem. You can also download the entire podcast right here. And to send a question to the InsideTV Podcast team, follow us on Twitter @InsideTVPodcast. But first let us know what you think. What new show are you most and least looking forward to? What will be the first show to go? And what returning show can you not wait to see more of? Hit the message boards and let us know!