
Is it just us, or does it seem like ‘Agents of SHIELD’ is gearing up to kill off Mac…

Since the moment we met him, we’ve been reluctantly charmed by Director Mace (Jason O’Mara) and the endless sports metaphors he uses to encourage the “Agents of SHIELD” team. Even when he admitted his feats of bravery and heroism were mostly a sham, we couldn’t hate him for it. He might be a wimp, but he really does just want to serve his country.

Now, though, we’re more than a little worried that Mace’s service to his country is going to be dying in a blaze of glory as he sacrifices himself for the team.

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After finding out that his super serum does not come with the same risk-free enhancements as Captain America, Mace seemed doomed to forever be the powerless poster boy of Inhumans and SHIELD. It’s pretty hard to justify injecting yourself with a serum that could — and likely will — kill you the more you use it.

Naturally, Coulson (Clark Gregg) tried to console him by referencing how out of place and small he felt on a team with the Avengers. Hanging out with people who have amazing superpowers when you have none is kind of discouraging. Unfortunately, Coulson’s comparison to how he found a way to make a difference on the team didn’t exactly give Mace (or us) the pep talk he probably intended — Coulson literally died to help The Avengers unite to, well… Avenge him.

Inspired by that little tidbit, Mace ran headfirst into danger after injecting himself — putting himself at serious risk — to confront Senator Nadeer’s (Parminder Nagra) Russian Inhuman-hating partners.

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Now, he’s captured — and every second he remains so brings him a second closer to losing that awesome strength the injections give him. SHIELD can, and likely will, mount a rescue mission to save him, but we’ve got a feeling they’ll be too late.

Lately, all signs seem to be pointing to Mace’s death, which would be devastating — but also kind of fitting. For years he’s been lauded as a hero, and sacrificing himself to save his teammates would finally make him worthy of that title.

“Agents of SHIELD” airs Tuesdays at 10 p.m. ET/PT on ABC.

Category: TelevisionTV Shows: Agents of SHIELDCelebrities: Jason O’MaraTV Network: ABC

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