
Justin Bieber Haircut

Justin Bieber’s making sure no one every snatches another Grammy out from under his bangs by getting rid of them! The teen heartthrob, who lost the coveted Best New Artist prize at last weekend’s Grammy Awards, has revamped his look, swapping his signature $800 bowl-cut for a crew-cut. The Biebs’ new do made its big […]

Justin Bieber’s making sure no one every snatches another Grammy out from under his bangs by getting rid of them! The teen heartthrob, who lost the coveted Best New Artist prize at last weekend’s Grammy Awards, has revamped his look, swapping his signature $800 bowl-cut for a crew-cut. Justin Bieber HaircutJustin Bieber Short Hair

The Biebs’ new do made its big debut courtesy a Tweet from Rascal Flatts’ Jay DeMarcus, who is currently in the studio working on a collabo with the star.

“Yeah so it’s true, I got a lil haircut. I like it and we are giving all the hair cut to charity to auction. Details coming soon,” the 16-year-old confirmed to his five million Twitter followers on Monday.

Good on him, those hair clippings could make enough money to end world hunger!

The Bieber Cut, one of the most sought-after style for young boys at national hair cutterys like Super Cuts, has been immortalized in Halloween costumes and was even parodied on a recent episode of television’s Glee.

Sound off, Beliebers! How do we like Justin’s new look?
