
Lea Michele’s Nightly Beauty Routine Makes for Good Mornings

Style News Now

08/07/2012 at 11:30 AM ET

Lea MicheleJohns PKI/Splash News Online

If you pass Lea Michele on the street and she’s not wearing makeup, know that she’s not embarrassed — she’s actually happy to be taking care of her skin. In fact, the Glee star barely wears makeup when she’s not working. “Maybe I’ll put on a little mascara,” Michele tells PEOPLE. “But other than that I try very hard to just let my skin breathe. I care more about letting my skin breathe than how I look.”

That trick helps to keep her face flawless, as does her basic beauty regime. The native New Yorker makes sure to stay hydrated, wash her face and take her makeup off every night. “I panicked that I forgot face wash on this trip, and I called [my makeup artist] last night freaking out,” she jokes.

Some of the star’s favorite skincare lines include Chanel, Dr. Hauschka and Kate Somerville, while she loves L’Oreal’s EverPure collection to keep her gorgeous mane healthy. “I’m very conscious of taking care of my hair and skin,” Michele admits. “I’m the girl who goes to bed at night with the face mask, the hair mask. I don’t care what I look like when I go to bed; I care about what I look like when I wake up in the morning.” Tell us: What’s your daily beauty routine like?

–Jennifer Cress


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