
Luke is going to be the next ‘Bachelor’ & here’s how we know

Luke Pell from 'The Bachelorette'

It’s the awful time in which “The Bachelorette” has already ended and who will be tapped as the new “Bachelor” remains a mystery. Fueling the fire to figuring out the pressing information of which lucky man will be tapped with honor is the show’s executive producer Mike Fleiss. He’s promised to drop a new hint each day until the big announcement is made, a date which also still remains a mystery.

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Fleiss also said that he would bump said unknown future date if he can reach 100,000 thousand followers. As of Aug. 15, he is still 34,000 short.

So, until enough people jump on Fleiss’ social media bandwagon, we are left to decipher all of his ridiculously vague and sometimes nonsensical hints. And so that’s exactly what Zap2it did.

The clue that made us realize who the next “Bachelor” star would be was this Yoda photo.

What is Yoda’s most famous line in “Star Wars”?: “Do or do not; there is no try.” And who does he say this line to? Luke Skywalker. This is Yoda encouraging Luke to fully commit to his next endeavor. The man ready for a full commitment, to find his future wife on a reality TV show is none other than Luke Pell. And while this will make Team Chad, Team Robby, and Team Chase very sad, come January, no one will be that upset having to watch this former war veteran on their TV screens each week.

Luke Pell 'The Bachelorette'

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Furthering our confidence that Luke is about to be dating 26 women come 2017 was this next clue.

Luke is fit as a fiddle. You could wash clothes off his abs and we have zero doubt this cowboy can run a mile in less than six minutes. Just look at him! He’s physically perfect.

Still dubious? Fleiss also tweeted this hint:

On top of being blessed with good looks and a good heart, this man also has a good voice. And this Bob Dylan cover song is right up this country boy’s alley.

Now, we’d love to get excited about Luke being the next “Bachelor,” as he’s painfully beautiful and very sweet, but he will be such a vanilla leading man. Fleiss and his team are going to have to surround him with 26 of the most entertaining women on the planet to make this season even remotely interesting to watch past its premiere. This is something we actually warned “Bachelor” execs about back in July. However, if they can find a female version of Chad to compete for his heart … then maybe, just maybe, the upcoming “Bachelor” cycle can be saved from being a total bore.

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