
Malia Enjoys Her Double Holiday: Independence Day Together with Her Birthday

Living at the White House brings a lot of benefits without any doubts. One of such perks for Malia, Barack Obama’s daughter, is the possibility to celebrate her birthday with a big deal of merry topsy-turvy. It happened so that Malia’s best personal day coincides with the most favourite for all Americans holiday – the […]

Living at the White House brings a lot of benefits without any doubts.

One of such perks for Malia, Barack Obama’s daughter, is the possibility to celebrate her birthday with a big deal of merry topsy-turvy.

It happened so that Malia’s best personal day coincides with the most favourite for all Americans holiday – the Fourth of July.

A real party started for a youngster when her parents, Michelle and the American President started to celebrate this double holiday in their executive mansion. The jolly included fireworks and live music specially organized for 1,200 military families.

The girl, who was celebrating her 12th birthday this year, was greeting crowds of people on the South Lawn with Stars and Stripes flag painted on her cheek. After that, she started to devour piles of hotdogs and hamburgers.
Of course, all the guests were penetrated by the spirit of the Independence Day. Even Jennifer Garner together with her cute tots, Seraphina, who is 18 months old, and 4-year-old Violet had a chance to watch a parade organized not far from their Californian home.
Violet was seen in blue, white, and red, showing her patriotic spirit in such a way.
