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Meghan Markle Reveals What She Eats Every Day (and Her Dessert Choice Totally Made Us Smile)

When you look at Meghan Markle and her svelte figure and toned limbs, you’d assume it’s the result of some strict diet and crazy workout routine…but au contrare!

We came across an interview the Suits actress gave recently (which was probably hidden under all the Prince Harry dating news), and it turns out her eating habits are actually pretty laidback. 

Markle chatted with Delish and revealed her love of french fries and red wine as well as her knack for pasta sauce and steaks.

Meghan Markle, Today Show, Best Looks


“French fries and vino are my vices,” she told the publication, admitting she’d replace dessert for a “big, beautiful red” any day (she’s basically our spirit animal).

Her all-time favorite wine is Tignanello—she even named her website The Tig after it. She’s also a fan of wines such as Argentinian Malbecs, a solid French Cabernet and Pinot Noir from Oregon.

However, though she wishes she could nom on fries and chase it down with red wine all year, her eating habits change based upon whether she’s filming or not. She eats much healthier when she’s in front of the camera.

Her typical work day includes: Hot water and lemon to kick off her morning followed by steel-cut oats, bananas and agave syrup for breakfast.

She’ll take a salad for lunch with any type of protein and an apple with sea salt and almond butter as a snack in the afternoon. As for dinner, Markle says she enjoys pasta with zucchini, Parmesan and (of course) a glass of wine. 

She also swears by green juice for a late afternoon pick-me-up.


“Green juice is a food-as-medicine philosophy for me,” she admitted, saying she drinks it to boost her energy.

On the days she isn’t filming, however, it’s her time to indulge. 

“On hiatus, all bets are off,” she revealed, noting that she’ll have an omelette with cheese and toast for breakfast and seafood and french fries (obvi) for lunch. For dinner, she continued,  “Typically soup. I’m more peckish then, so I usually go lighter for dinner.”

Markles also divulged a couple of her cooking secrets. When it comes to serving steak, she squirts it with lemon just before it hits the table. “Nobody tastes the lemon, but it really brings out the steak’s flavor,” she explained.

As for pasta, her secret’s all in the sauce. She slow-cooks zucchini for four or five hours, until it breaks down into what she describes as a “filthy, sexy mush” that she then tosses over pasta. “The sauce gets so creamy you’d swear there’s tons of butter and oil in it, but it’s just zucchini, water and a little bouillon,” Markle said.

Speaking of pasta, the actress admits she has a bit of a love-hate relationship with it.

Though she acknowledges how cliché it might sound, staying away from gluten is the one trick that keeps her skin looking clear. But don’t you worry! That won’t stop her from indulging here and there.

“It gets such a bad wrap,” she admitted. “However, when I’m traveling, I won’t miss an opportunity to try great pasta. I come back from vacation every year with a food baby, and I’ve named her Comida. I get to the set and I’m like, ‘hey, Comida’s here, and she’s kicking.'”

We’re guessing her love for food and cooking might be one of the qualities that reeled Prince Harry in!

Read more about her favorite foods on Delish!

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