
Natalie Portman Vogue Magazine Jan. 2011

Golden Globe nominee Natalie Portman opens up about her most provocative role yet in Black Swan in the Jan. 2011 issue of Vogue. “Lesbian scenes, sex scenes, they’re all over the place!” she tells Vogue. “But because it’s me, people are shocked. I see the value of a good-girl persona—it’s so easy to subvert it!” […]

Golden Globe nominee Natalie Portman opens up about her most provocative role yet in Black Swan in the Jan. 2011 issue of Vogue. Natalie Portman Vogue Magazine January 2011 PicsNatalie Portman For VogueNatalie Portman Vogue Jan. 2011Natalie Portman Vogue Magazine Jan. 2011 Cover Picture

“Lesbian scenes, sex scenes, they’re all over the place!” she tells Vogue. “But because it’s me, people are shocked. I see the value of a good-girl persona—it’s so easy to subvert it!”

The actress trained 8 -hours a day for months to get her body in the shape needed to play a prima ballerina that is stick thin and suffers from a number of self destructive habits.

And when the 2011 Golden Globe nominations were announced on Tuesday, all her hard work paid off.

“The only way to be perfect, is to allow chaos and madness into your life,” Black Swan director Darren Aronofsky tells Vogue. “Natalie has very few opportunities to express the dangerous side of her, and there’s a lot of colors there. She teases; she’s playful and sexy and so beautiful it hurts.”

Portman, who was recently tapped as the newest celebrity ambassador for Christian Dior, was photographed for The Fashion Bible by Peter Lindbergh showing off her graceful ballet moves while modelling high fashion.

Natalie On Her Days At Harvard: “I gained my freshman fifteen or 20 and had super depressed moments. That Cambridge winter is tough. It was important to know how to go through that and how to get myself out of it. You start learning how to ask your friends or professionals for help, or go to mentors,” says Portman, who earned her degree

On Eating: “I swear, I eat. I ate a bagel an hour ago. I consume my own weight in hummus every day. I cook a lot, and I even do vegan baking,” says the actress – who plays anorexic ballet dancer Nina Sayers in Swan. “I like pleasure, I like joy. I’d never get to the point where I would starve or injure myself like [my character] Nina does. I’m the opposite-when I’m hungry, I eat, and I always make sure I’m eating something delicious.”

On Starting Her Own Production Company For “Female Comedies:” “Women… are generally not allowed to be beautiful and funny, and certainly not vulgar. There’s a difference between being in a bra and underpants as an object on a men’s magazine cover and playing yourself – a woman with desires and needs who loves and laughs with her friends – in a bra and underpants.”

Natalie’s full interview with Joan Juliet Buck is available now on Vogue.com…..
