
Phi Phi O’Hara says goodbye to ‘All Stars 2’ … and to drag altogether!

It’s been a tumultuous few weeks for Phi Phi O’Hara, the most polarizing contestant from “Drag Race: All Stars 2.” The public vitriol she’s received is definitely not the notoriety she was looking for with her return to the runway. Phi Phi said she came on to “All Stars 2” to rehab her image, but ultimately cemented her legacy as the snarkiest, meanest and most self-serving of the queens.

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Blame editing all you want, the sentences that came out her mouth about the other contestants were not cut. Shady claims that producers edited positive judges’ commentary to appear delivered to Alyssa, rather than Detox, turned out to be false. After Logo posted the uncut footage in response, a fan put together this hilarious video montage breaking down the whole debacle.

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Phi Phi is refusing to do any official “Drag Race” press, and has announced she will not be returning for the finale reunion episode. It’s a shame — audiences would love to hear her full side of the story. In the meantime, she continues to go off on Twitter about all the things the cameras didn’t show.

These tweets are vague and frustratingly confusing. It’s hard to understand what she’s actually saying, but the read is clear: She’s coming off like a sore loser. First of all, spoiling to all her followers that she’s the queen that goes home before Thursday’s (Sept. 22) episode aired is obnoxious. Secondly, claiming she was only kicked off before she could pull an Adore Delano and quit is plain gauche.

Keeping the spoilers coming, she also wrongly predicted that Logo would cut the moment she “clears the air” with Alyssa Edwards.

This scene was not cut, and the amount of sincerity involved during this “agree to disagree” hug as Phi Phi describes it on the show? Coco Montrese put it: “That hug was like Obama hugging Donald Trump,” and we couldn’t have described it better ourselves. “I ain’t buying it,” Coco says, and neither is anyone else watching.

Phi Phi then cops an attitude and refuses to “beg to stay” when she ends up in the bottom, her fate possibly in Alyssa’s hands. Phi Phi was merely being asked why she thinks she deserves to remain in the competition, like most reality stars often are, but she refused to elaborate on such nonsense. Why? It’s painfully obvious that she’s the most talented person there, and having to explain such things would be lowering herself.

Queen, please! The only person on “All Stars” who doesn’t need to defend herself is RuPaul. And even then, if someone asks nicely for a rundown of how and why the “Drag Race” empire was built, the answer is eloquent, proud and regal.

We want to like Phi Phi. But the funny bone just seems missing from her body — not to mention any sense of humility. When someone goes on a reality show, they open themselves up to criticism, and not everyone is going to love everyone. However, it is devastating to know that Phi Phi has been receiving death threats from fans. Phi Phi has done absolutely nothing to deserve that kind of outrageous response. And in the aftermath of this public rush of hatred, Phi Phi is moving forward by leaving Phi Phi behind.

It appears the aspiring singer will now go by his birth name, Jerami. His most recent music video contains zero hints that he was ever Phi Phi O’Hara.

RuPaul is the last person on the planet to ever knowingly bring someone down, so this situation of having a former contestant black out Logo, World of Wonder, anything even remotely related to “Drag Race” is unprecedented. Audiences are going to need to every single sip of tea on the whole situation at the reunion/finale on Oct. 13. Until then, we still have a few weeks of “All Stars 2” drama left to enjoy.

“Drag Race: All Stars 2” airs on Thursdays at 8 p.m. ET/PT on Logo.

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