
‘PLL’ ReWatch: ‘A’ makes sure you ‘Know Your Frenemies’

With only 10 episodes left — and six months before they premiere — Screener takes a look back through the twisty mysteries and tangled lives of everyone’s favorite “Pretty Little Liars.” So join us daily as we revisit Rosewood of old. The entire series is streaming on Netflix — re-watch with us!

RELATED: All the “Pretty Little Liars” TV Rewind posts

Up next: Season 1, episode 13, “Know Your Frenemies,” aired Jan. 17, 2011.

What we thought then …

Ian (Ryan Merriman) is looking more and more likely as Alison’s (Sasha Pieterse) killer, especially after the Liars receive the full Alison/Ian video from “A” — which certainly looks like it could be of Ian killing her.

pretty little liars know your frenemies alison ian video PLL ReWatch: A makes sure you Know Your Frenemies

However, Melissa (Torrey DeVitto) isn’t exactly looking completely innocent either. Their whispered conversation at the start of the episode implies she knows more about Alison and Ian than meets the eye.

Also, “A” seems completely bonkers this episode — helping Aria (Lucy Hale) but being utterly horrible to Hanna (Ashley Benson) by making her relive the binge-and-purge phase of her life for money.

What we know now …

The video isn’t of Alison’s death, though we never really thought it was. It always felt much more “throes of passion” than “throes of death” and that’s what it turned out to be.

Melissa knew about Ian and Alison’s relationship because she confronted Ian about it in Hilton Head the day Ali disappeared.

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And the reason she’s not suspicious that Ian killed Ali? Because Melissa thinks she and Spencer are the ones who did. Until Alison is revealed to be alive three seasons later, Melissa thinks that Spencer bashed Ali’s head in and that she (Melissa) was protecting her sister by rolling Ali’s body into the grave.

The person Melissa actually buried alive is, of course, Bethany Young.

Hindsight hilarity …

It’s rather amusing to hear Mr. Montgomery (Chad Lowe) chastise Mike (Cody Allen Christian) for potentially spreading rumors about a teacher-student affair, saying that kind of thing can ruin someone’s reputation.

Byron’s not wrong, but in this case — they aren’t rumors, Byron is such a hypocrite and boy, is it hilarious when he finds out it’s his own daughter who is one-half of that rumor.

Furthermore, it’s so interesting to watch what “A” does this episode knowing that it’s Mona. She works so hard to help out Aria and Mr. Fitz (Ian Harding) and to drop a major piece of evidence in the Liars’ laps with the Ian/Alison video. But she is also horrid toward Hanna, making her eat cupcakes and then throw them up (which Hanna thankfully doesn’t do).

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It speaks to the always-interesting Hanna/Mona dynamic and also Mona’s split personality.

Finally, let’s talk about Hanna and her mother (Laura Leighton). They’re such a “us against the world” team and it’s rather awesome when Hanna gives her mom some wine and tells her she “found” $600 in the cupcakery bathroom — and her mom is just like, ” ….. OK, cool.”

Creepiest dude award goes to …

Noel Kahn (Brant Daugherty) and Mr. Fitz in a tie. Noel shouldn’t be blackmailing Ezra with what he knows, but Mr. Fitz should also be dialing down the “romantic” talk like “even though this doesn’t look right, it has always felt right. I won’t let him change this into something that feels wrong.”

Ugh. Gross. No. It IS wrong and you know it.

Best ‘A’ message …

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