
‘PLL’ ReWatch: Be ‘Careful What U Wish 4,’ Lucas

With only 10 episodes left — and six months before they premiere — Screener takes a look back through the twisty mysteries and tangled lives of everyone’s favorite “Pretty Little Liars.” So join us daily as we revisit Rosewood of old. The entire series is streaming on Netflix — re-watch with us!

RELATED: All the “Pretty Little Liars” TV Rewind posts

Up next: Season 1, episode 14, “Careful What U Wish 4,” aired Jan. 24, 2011.

What we thought then …

Ian (Ryan Merriman) gets creepier by the minute — the scene where he’s talking to the Liars while his face is on Spencer’s (Troian Bellisario) laptop screen in the video of Alison (Sasha Pieterse) is incredibly tense and well done.

pretty little liars careful what u wish 4 ryan merriman PLL ReWatch: Be Careful What U Wish 4, Lucas

However, the Liars no longer think he’s “A” — because Ian-as-A would never have sent them that video of himself with Alison.

Finally, “A” sends the Liars a photo of Alison from the night she disappeared and there’s a shadow in it of someone following her. At this point in time, we’re supposed to think it’s probably Ian.

What we know now …

Ian was definitely guilty of being a creepy skeaze who hooked up with underage girls, but he didn’t kill Alison. And actually, knowing that he’s innocent of that makes it pretty sad that he kills himself in a few episodes.

RELATED: 11 things to know about ‘Pretty Little Liars’ final 10 episodes

Not saying Ian’s a good guy, because he’s not, but “A” didn’t kill him — Marlene King confirmed that. Ian commits suicide and that’s always sad.

Ian is also not the person in the photo. That’s Spencer’s shadow, as she confronts Alison about Ian — Ali wants Spencer to tell Melissa and Spencer has no idea it’s partially because Alison is involved with Ian herself.

pretty little liars careful what u wish 4 ali photo PLL ReWatch: Be Careful What U Wish 4, Lucas

Finally, it may or may not be a clue, but when “A” picks up the coat and gloves from Ella (Holly Marie Combs), is it coincidence she looks that person in the eye and isn’t looking up at them? That definitely tracks with Mona (Janel Parrish) as “A.”

Hindsight hilarity …

Caleb (Tyler Blackburn) makes his first appearance this episode and it cannot be a coincidence it’s the same episode Sean (Chuck Hittinger) breaks up with Hanna (Ashley Benson). Knowing what we know now, it’s funny that Caleb has interactions with both Hanna and Spencer (Troian Bellisario).

Creepiest dude award goes to …

Definitely Ian. He’s not being menacing for the reasons the Liars think, but he’s still being quite threatening toward his new sister-in-law.

Though Drunk Emily (Shay Mitchell) is there to save the day and can we just pause for a second and remember how amazing Drunk Emily is? The show should have had Drunk Emily appear at least once a season.

Best ‘A’ message …

Making Hanna toy with Lucas’ (Brendan Robinson) emotions at the dance is insanely mean, but also a total Mona thing to do. Poor Lucas. The musical cue of the acoustic version of The Outfield’s “Your Love” (sung by Fay Wolf) is heartbreakingly appropriate.

Posted in television and Tagged TV Rewind

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