Movies News

‘Pretty Little Liars’ premiere: ‘The Liars are at each others’ throats’

pretty-little-liars-S2-summer-finale.jpgWe’ve got more info about the midseason premiere of “Pretty Little Liars,” Rosewood fans. We already knew the show was returning Monday, Jan. 2, but now have some juicy new details about the episode, titled “Through Many Dangers, Toils and Snares,” which picks up a month later in the town of Rosewood after the four Liars were caught by police.

According to the press release:

“A month has passed on ‘Pretty Little Liars’ since Aria, Emily, Hanna and Spencer were arrested and a lot has changed in Rosewood, and with the girls. No longer the mighty four best friends, the Liars are at each others’ throats and Emily has been iced out completely. But what could have divided them so severely? Has ‘A’ finally won the game of divide and conquer? With Emily now truly on her own, is she ripe for ‘A’s’ picking?”

Sounds exciting. Plus, there’s an all-day “PLL” marathon Monday, Jan. 2 starting at 11 a.m. ET/PT and running up to the one-hour premiere at 8 p.m. ET/PT. Are you so pumped, Liars fans?

Photo/Video credit: ABC Family

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