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Random: Everything Brad Pitt has Ever Eaten on Film; George Clooney Shares his Top 100 Films of 1964-1976

You gotta love the Internet – thanks to the magic of Al Gore’s most marvelous invention, bored office workers can fill their days not with work and productivity, but by secretly surfing countless film sites looking for interesting things to read. The only catch is, there are only so many “Top 10” lists people can read in a day – and most of them have been done. Because of this, sites have had to get inventive – leading to incredibly specialized lists like this one chronicling all of the food actor Brad Pitt has eaten in films during the course of his. Seriously. Think of it like fetish porn for film geeks…or something.

Vulture compiled the exhaustive list after seeing Pitt munch his way through Moneyball recently. Pitt’s penchant for eating almost obsessively in that film got the staff thinking and soon they’d discovered that Pitt eats a lot in all of his films. They’ve chronicled pretty much everything – and if you’re a dietitian, you might want to look away. Not only does Brad consume a lot of calories in his films, most of them aren’t good calories. There aren’t a lot of salads on the list, but there are a lot of cookies, chips, and cheeseburgers (there’s also human blood, thanks to Interview with the Vampire).

The biggest surprise of all? That Pitt’s character Floyd in True Romance doesn’t eat a single thing, despite being a notorious stoner. We thought those guys always had the munchies. Check out Vulture’s full list here.

Meanwhile, Parade Magazine kept things more traditional during a recent chat with George Clooney. The actor and director, promoting his upcoming Ides of March, presented the periodical with a list of his top 100 films from 1964 to 1976. Why such a precise time period? Well, it turns out the Cloon-dog happens to view that particular era as the “greatest era in filmmaking by far” (we’re inclined to agree, for the most part).

His list is surprisingly well conceived – including not only the obvious choices (Jaws, The Godfather films, and The French Connection), but some unexpected choices (The Bad News Bears) and off the radar flicks like I am Cuba.

Clooney’s list even points out his top 5, which includes All the President’s MenNetworkDr. StrangeloveCarnal Knowledge, and Harold and Maude. The actor cites Alan Pakula’s All the President’s Men as the best film of the era, calling it a “perfect” film.

While it would be all too easy to dismiss the list as a recitation of popular films from an era revered by fans and critics alike, Clooney is quite literate when it comes to expressing why he thinks this particular timeframe is so important. He cites the fact that a group of legendary filmmakers were all trying to outdo each other while in the prime of their careers as a main factor in the explosion of great films from the period, but he’s also quick to point out that the social and cultural events of the time profoundly influenced the films as well, saying “movies are really good when they do that [utilize real life issues as part of their construction]. They give us a sense of what was going on in our psyche.”

Who knew Clooney was such a movie geek? Head on over to /Film for a look at Clooney’s complete list. 

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