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‘Scandal’ Season 3: Guillermo Diaz and Katie Lowes talk hopes for Huck and Quinn

guillermo-diaz-katie-lowes-scandal-abc.jpgSure, the Season 2 finale of “Scandal” was all about that final reveal with Kerry Washington’s Olivia Pope and her peculiar parentage, but there were some key moments for a pair of characters who have grown into an interesting combination throughout the season, as well: Guillermo Diaz’s Huck and Katie Lowes’ Quinn.

Throughout Season 2, Huck took Quinn under his wing, teaching her his ways and, as last night’s shocking moment with that drill, inadvertently may have created a monster. Zap2It caught up with both Diaz and Lowes on the red carpet at the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences on Thursday (May 16) for a cast reading of the finale, where Lowes gushed about working with Diaz.

“Whatever it is, we just really like working together and we have good chemistry and I couldn’t love Guillermo Diaz more,” she says. “He’s my work husband, that’s what I call him.”

Lowes adds that Huckleberry Quinn fans tend to have one question when they see her. “That’s the number one thing I get out on the street,” she says. “‘Are [Quinn] and Huck gonna get together sexually? Are they having a relationship?'”

Diaz, whose character was put through quite the ringer this season, has high hopes for Huck’s continued progress, come Season 3. “I would like to see him trying to get better,” he explains. “Like, in the beginning [of Season 2,] you kind of saw him going to meetings — AA meeting for alcohol, [because] there’s no meetings for torture — but I’d love to see him really continue to try and be a better man and stop killing people and see where that goes. Maybe find another love interest. That would be kind of cool.”

One of Diaz’s favorite moments for Huck this season was episode 19, entitled “Seven-Fifty-Two,” during which the audience learned of the character’s past, including the reveal of a family he’d been forced to abandon.

“When I first read it, I remember we didn’t get the script ’til the day we sat down ti read it, and I remember crying so much and I kept thinking, ‘Oh my god, I have to stop crying.’ Everybody was crying,” Diaz reveals. “I couldn’t believe that Shonda [Rhimes, series creator] fit all that backstory in one script. Shooting that episode, I was doing happy Huck, I was doing crazy torturing Huck, sad homeless Huck — my emotions were up and down. It was a really intense, really difficult episode to shoot, but so worth it.”

Knowing that the character has a family out there, somewhere, Diaz says he’s hopeful that the show will find time to touch on it in the future. “I mean, I don’t see why Shonda wouldn’t bring back Jasika Nicole (“Fringe”), who played by wife … It would be such an interesting episode. I think she will, I hope she does.”

This being “Scandal,” we’re almost certain Huck’s wife will return — in the most shocking fashion possible, of course.

“Scandal” returns to ABC this fall for Season 3 on Thursdays at 10 p.m.

Photo/Video credit: ABC

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