Movies News

SDCC 2011 in 60 Seconds: Rhys Ifans Throws a Fit, While Andrew Garfield Gushes

LL Cool J Comic Con


Felicia Day bites her finger while sporting a pretty swank sticker, and then hangs with Stan Lee. Amanda Seyfried and Justin Timberlake are zombies. Andrew Garfield’s new Spider-Man costume (see video of him completely geeking out). Jessica Biel and Kate Beckinsale pose with Colin Farrell. Kevin Smith meets some geeks, while Joss Whedon meets a fan. Tom Hardy takes a break from the ear buds.

Emma Stone winks, and Kat Dennings doesn’t go anywhere without Christopher Walken.

Above: LL Cool J prays, from @NCISLA_CBS.


Elisa Osegueda chats with Jason Momoa, our latest Conan the Barbarian, and his leading lady Rachel Nichols, the boys from 30 Minutes or Less, and offers up panel highlights including Steven Spielberg and Peter Jackson chatting about Tintin and the Fright Night cast pitting Jerry Dandrige against Edward Cullen.

Todd Gilchrist shares highlights from the panel for Spider-Man, Total Recall, and Ghost Rider 2.

After glimpses of the Avengers, Erik Davis shares character art for SHIELD agents, and relays the moment where William Shatner got thousands of fans to scream KHAN!

Tara Bennett selects 15 key quotes from the Spider-Man and Ghost Rider press conferences.

Erik Davis visits Summit Entertainment’s meet-and-greet for The Darkest Hour.

Larry D. Curtis talks to Andy Serkis about apes, hobbits, and Peter Jackson.

David Ehrlich visits Francis Ford Coppola’s Twixt panel, and shares 5 nibblets from the Immortals panel.

Snow White gets to wear armor in Snow White and the Huntsman, as Laura Byrne-Cristiano shares pics from SDCC.

Finally, the fuzz had to hit SDCC when Rhys Ifans had a run-in with security when he tried to get a friend into Hall H, as Erik Davis reports.


@katieisms: “A stormtrooper commented on my Ramona Flowers cosplay. I told him I’m not in costume, this is how we dress in the galaxy of Brooklyn. #sdcc”

@davidehrlich: “just made eye contact with Francis Ford Coppola. i’m sure you’ll be able to read about this moment in his memoirs. #sdcc”

@brainwise: “’ Who is the love of Batman’s life?’ Audience at Psychology of the Dark Knight panel voted overwhelmingly for Catwoman. #sdcc #SoundsLegit”


Liveblog of the Girls Gone Genre panel with moderator Jenna Buscha, Buffy alum Marti Noxon and Jane Espenson, and more. Noxon offers this gem: “”PLEASE go see FRIGHT NIGHT. The mom is NOT a dumb-ass who lets a vampire into the house.”

The Star Wars/Dark Horse panel.

A liveblog of the Psychology of the Dark Knight panel, and another for Snow White and the Huntsman.


HitFix talks to Jessica Biel about her Total Recall bruises.

EW wants you to test your Nathan Fillion knowledge, and talks to his ol’ director, now busy with some sort of avenging franchise, Joss Whedon.

Grant Morrison geeks out at Guardian about great superhero moments in comics.

IGN shares footage from In Time.

Ah, old-school: SDCC attendee gets his cosplay inspiration from Labyrinth.

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