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‘SNL Weekend Update Thursday’ skewers Mitt Romney and Fox & Friends

snl-weekend-update-thursday-fox-and-friends.jpgIt’s an election year, which means “Saturday Night Live” gets an extra half hour every week during “SNL Weekend Update Thursday” to skewer all the ridiculous news that comes up on the campaign trail. The first 2012 edition featured a skit about the leaked Mitt Romney video that made fun of “Fox & Friends” as much as the Republican nominee, along with some feisty Update jokes.

Jay Pharaoh didn’t get to take his second stab as official “SNL” Obama impersonator, because naturally the late-night sketch comedy show had to take on the Romney gaffe. Taran Killam, Vanessa Bayer and Bobby Moynihan played anchors who kept trying to explain away Romney’s not-so-great statements on shows like “Cash Cab” (great Ben Bailey impression, Tim Robinson) and in top-secret shower footage.

The best moment, though, was when the network ran “a few” corrections from the first two hours of the show (and by a few they meant like 50), including such gems as “The Bible was not a movie first.
Oogielove is not a sexully transmitted disease,” and “Rocky never fought Lassie.”

Some excellent Weekend Update jokes followed, along with the always delightful appearances of Bill Hader‘s James Carville and Moynihan’s Drunk Uncle. Pretty funny stuff — hope they saved some for this weekend’s show, featuring Joseph Gordon Levitt and Mumford & Sons.

What did you think of this year’s first “SNL Weekend Update Thursday”? Funny or missed the mark?

Photo/Video credit: NBC

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