
‘Teen Wolf’ reveals how Dylan O’Brien will be written out of Season 6


Don’t panic just yet, Stiles fans. Dylan O’Brien maybe have been essentially written out of “Teen Wolf” Season 6, but according to showrunner Jeff Davis, it’s all just part of a bigger mystery.

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Davis explained the season’s newest villains’ MO: Abduct people and erase them from their loved ones’ memories.

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These Ghost Riders immediately target Stiles when they arrive in Beacon Hills, meaning his friends and family completely forget him and he’s left at the mercy of the evil horsemen. Unsurprisingly, the decision to make Stiles the abductee was a clever way to accommodate his “Maze Runner” shooting schedule and his resulting injuries from that shoot.

It sounds as if Stiles will be abducted in the premiere, but there’s no word on how long it will take the gang to remember him and track him down.

Seeing as O’Brien’s injuries laid him up for the better part of the spring, we’d be willing to guess Season 6A will be particularly sparse on Stiles.

We’re obviously bummed that we’ll have to spend most of “Teen Wolf’s” final season missing O’Brien, but at least we know his friends will be feeling his absence too — even if they can’t explain why.

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“They each realize that something huge is missing in their life, and they come to this eventual conclusion it might be a person,” Davis says.

Stydia shippers might be bummed about O’Brien’s temporary departure, but Davis was kind enough to provide a sneak peek at the premiere script, which should give these shippers something to look forward to.

While everyone else has forgotten Stiles, Lydia (Holland Roden) seems to be the only one able to hold on to her memories of him. At least for the time being. Maybe it’s because she’s a banshee or maybe because their soulmates. Who knows?

Regardless, we’re a step away from squealing at the very specific mention of hand-holding in this scene.

“Teen Wolf” returns Nov. 15 at 9 p.m. ET/PT on MTV.

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