
The iOS4 ready for release in few hours

The iOS4 phone is about to be released for the consumers in few hours from now. But be informed that Ios4 is the new name given to the iPhone OS. The phone has been made even more useful by adding a lot of features. These new attractive features include folders for apps, unified box, multi-tasking, […]

The iOS4 phone is about to be released for the consumers in few hours from now. But be informed that Ios4 is the new name given to the iPhone OS. The phone has been made even more useful by adding a lot of features. These new attractive features include folders for apps, unified box, multi-tasking, wallpaper support and many more.

However, the battery-run iOS4 makes you recharge the phone shortly as compared to iPhone OS 3.1.3. But many new features make it a phone worth giving a second look, as it is an upgraded phone. You can upgrade iOS4 on iPhone 3GS, iPhone 3G and iPod Touch.

To upgrade, first of all upgrade iTunes 9.2 using he Apple Update manager. After you have upgraded iTunes, make sure to connect your device and accept the terms. Then, visit the summary page.

The summary page for the device, there is a Check for Update button. Click the button to find ot the new iOS4 update is available to you on your device or not. In case of finding such an update, you can easily follow the normal process of updating. This way your devices of iPhone 3 GS, 3G or iPod Touch will be ready with updated for use of Ios4.
